A business structure supplying our global markets

We're a leading international supplier of steel products and solutions, principally in global building and construction markets across Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands, China, India, Southeast Asia and the United States.


The Company’s reporting structure is based on five business segments, each with business units and an organisation accountable within their markets for responsibly operating our high-quality assets that produce our highly regarded brands.

Australian Steel Products

BlueScope is Australia’s largest manufacturer and part of a national steel industry heritage going back to 1915. Our 6,500 people in this segment deliver value through BlueScope Steel, BlueScope Distribution, Lysaght and subsidiary Orrcon Steel, Metalcorp Steel, Fielders and Ranbuild business units at more than 50 facilities and over 50 distribution centres in Australia.
Location: Australia

Buildings & Coated Products North America

BlueScope has been operating and growing in the North America building and construction market since 2004. Our 2,500 people in this segment deliver value through Buildings North America, a leader in engineered building solutions; the BlueScope Properties Group, which develops industrial properties; and BlueScope Coated Products. the second largest metal painter in the US.

Location: Mexico, USA

North Star BlueScope Steel

Our 500 people in this business segment deliver value through two businesses. A valuable part of our portfolio since established in 1996, North Star BlueScope Steel’s highly productive plant, in 2022 doubling its capacity, is among the newest in North America, using scrap feed and leading-edge steelmaking technologies and processes. Within North Star’s region, BlueScope Recycling and Materials provides a full ferrous and non-ferrous scrap metal recycling service through three processing facilities.

Location: USA

Building Products Asia & North America

BlueScope entered the Asia region’s building and construction industry in 1965, and more recently the United States (2004). In a joint venture with Nippon Steel, this group is a leader in metal coating, painting and roll-forming steel, with 3,000 people delivering value through 29 plants in Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam and the US. This segment also includes over 1,000 employees in China, and a joint venture with Tata Steel in India.
Location: Brunei, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, USA

New Zealand & Pacific Islands

BlueScope has been operating in the New Zealand and the Pacific Islands region since 1992. New Zealand Steel is an integrated steel business and the nation’s primary producer and marketer of steel. Through this integrated steel business comprising the Waikato North Head mine and Glenbrook steelworks, and our Pacific Steel rolling mill and Pacific Islands facilities, our 1,500 people in this segment deliver value to Fiji, New Caledonia, New Zealand and Vanuatu.
Location: New Zealand and Pacific Islands