Investor FAQs

Review the questions and answers to commonly asked retail shareholder questions.

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Issuer Sponsorship replaced share certificates in 1997. Issuer Sponsorship enables shareholders to hold their securities in "paperless" form (like CHESS), but without being tied to a particular broker. However, unlike CHESS, shareholders cannot hold securities in different companies under the one identifying holder number. Your SRN typically begins with the letter "I" (which may look like the numeral "1" in some fonts).

Instead of receiving share certificates, holders receive holding statements (again, like CHESS) which show all details and movements (purchases, sales and other transactions). Statements are issued when you first become a holder and are dispatched within 5 business days of the end of any month in which transactions occur.

One of the important things to remember about Issuer Sponsorship is that your Security holder Reference Number (SRN) should be treated like a bank account PIN and not disclosed to third parties (except when authorised by you for a particular purpose - eg. trading, etc.). Please quote your SRN in any correspondence with the Company's Share Registrar. This will enable the Share Registrar to correctly identify you and fulfil your requests.

Broker Sponsorship enables holders who are regular traders with a particular broker to have all of their holdings in different companies recorded under the one holder identification number (HIN). Again, it is extremely important that the confidentiality of your HIN is maintained. Your HIN begins with the letter "X".

Broker sponsored holdings are maintained on ASX's CHESS system. Your broker can explain this to you in more detail.

Another very important thing to know about Broker Sponsorship is that nearly all changes (changes of address, etc.) must be made through your sponsoring broker (this is to ensure that his/her records about you are completely correct).

You can determine the number of shares you hold by making a holding balance enquiry online or by contacting the Share Registrar.

You will need to contact a licensed stockbroker. If you do not have a broker then please contact the Australian Stock Exchange or the Share Registrar.

For Issuer Sponsored Shareholders

If you wish to transfer your listed securities to another person you will need to complete an off-market transfer form quoting your security holder reference number (SRN) on the transfer form, or attach a copy of a holding statement showing your SRN.

In accordance with recent amendments to stamp duty legislation, transfers of listed securities are no longer required to be assessed for stamp duty if the transfer has been executed on or after 1 July 2001. The execution date is considered to be the earlier of the date of signature or the date of purchase.

For Broker Sponsored Shareholders

You will need to contact your sponsoring broker who will arrange the transfer on your behalf.

Tax and registration details

For Issuer Sponsored Shareholders

Please complete a change of address form found at the Link Market Services website, and post it to the Share Registrar at the address shown on the form. Your advice should include:

  • the name of the company (in this case - BlueScope Steel Limited);

  • your name in full (as it appears on your holding statement - i.e. the name in which the shares are registered);

  • your security-holder reference number (SRN);

  • your old address;

  • your new address;

  • your signature (or your attorney's) as the registered security holder:

    • if a joint holding, all security-holders need to sign;

    • if a company, the advice should be on company letterhead and signed by either the secretary, a director, the principal executive officer or the attorney of the company, noting the title of the signatory.


  • Change of address notifications can be mailed or faxed to the Share Registrar.

  • If you are signing under a power of attorney, the original power of attorney or a copy (certified by a person authorised to witness statutory declarations) must be lodged with the Share Registrar for noting, if not already noted.

For Broker Sponsored Shareholders

The change of address must be directed to your sponsoring broker in writing, providing the same details as above.


For Issuer Sponsored Shareholders

Please send the following to the Share Registrar:

For individuals:

  • a written request, including:

    • your new name printed in full;

    • your signature in your new name; and

    • your security-holder reference number or a copy of a holding statement.

  • an original or certified copy of the appropriate documentation (eg. marriage certificate, deed poll or birth certificate).

For companies:

  • A written request that your holding be changed to the new name. It should:

    • be on company letterhead;

    • include the new company name printed in full;

    • quote the security-holder reference number (SRN) from a holding statement; and

    • be signed by either the secretary, a director, the principal executive officer or the attorney of the company.

  • A certified copy of the Certificate of Registration evidencing the change of name must be included.


  • Change of name requests must be mailed to the Share Registrar. For security reasons, your advice cannot be accepted by phone, fax or email.

  • If you are signing under power of attorney, the original power of attorney or a certified copy of that power must be lodged with the Share Registrar for noting, if not already noted.

For Broker Sponsored Shareholders

The change of name must be directed to your sponsoring broker in writing, providing the same details as above, including your holder identification number (HIN). The broker will then advise the Share Registrar.


For Issuer Sponsored Shareholders

If you wish to transfer your listed securities to another person you will need to complete an off-market transfer form quoting your security holder reference number (SRN) on the transfer form, or attach a copy of a holding statement showing your SRN.

In accordance with recent amendments to stamp duty legislation, transfers of listed securities are no longer required to be assessed for stamp duty if the transfer has been executed on or after 1 July 2001. The execution date is considered to be the earlier of the date of signature or the date of purchase.

For Broker Sponsored Shareholders

You will need to contact your sponsoring broker who will arrange the transfer on your behalf.

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has advised shareholders to be careful when assessing unsolicited and unexpected offers for their shares (refer to ASIC Guidance).

Many of these offers are pitched at a price well below the current market value of the shares (refer to Share Price Data or Australian Stock Exchange code: BSL to check the market value of BlueScope Steel shares).

BlueScope Steel's Board does not endorse any unsolicited offer made by any party. All recipients of such unsolicited offers should read the documentation carefully and seek independent financial advice before making any decisions about their shares. If required, the ASX website provides details on how to find a broker.

Dividend and share related enquiries

Details of dividends paid to shareholders can be found here.

Dividend payments will now only be made by direct credit.  Please contact the Share Registrar.

If your old account has been closed, your financial institution should reject the payment back to the Share Registry.  The Share Registry will post you a direct credit election form approximately 2 weeks after the dividend payment, to allow you to provide new banking instructions in the same currency as you were paid the dividend. Please complete and return this form to the Share Registry, which will check your holding for new payment instructions once a month and pay the dividend into your new account.

As a rule, again for reasons of security, it is common practice for the Share Registrar to decline such requests. However, if you have a special need, please contact the Share Registrar.

You will need to complete a Direct Credit Instructions form from the Link Market Services (formerly ASX Perpetual) website.

Share registrar

Link Market Services Limited​
Street Address:​
Level 12​
680 George Street​
Sydney NSW 2000​

Postal Address:​
Locked Bag A14​

Phone: +61 1300 855 998​
Fax: +61 2 9287 0303​

There are many options available to BlueScope shareholders to ensure you receive the communications you need in the form that you prefer. You can:​

  • make a standing election to receive some or all of your communications from BlueScope in electronic or physical form (including annual reports, meeting documents and payment advice);​

  • make a one-off request to receive a particular communication from BlueScope in electronic or physical form; or​

  • elect not to be sent annual reports by BlueScope.

Capital gains

BlueScope has prepared some general information regarding the capital gains tax cost base for BlueScope Steel shares. Please read this information carefully.