Jane McAloon

Non-Executive Director (Independent) | BEc(Hons), LLB, GDip CorpGov, FAICD

Jane McAloon, Non-Executive Director

Director since: September 2022

Directorships of other Australian listed entities in the past three years: Newcrest Mining Ltd (July 2021 to date), United Malt Group Ltd (February 2020 to February 2023), HMC Capital Ltd (October 2019 to November 2022) and Viva Energy Group Ltd (2018 to 2021).

Ms McAloon is Chair and a non-executive director of EnergyAustralia. She is a non-executive director of Newcrest Mining Ltd and Allianz Australia Ltd. Ms McAloon spent 9 years as Group Company Secretary at BHP Billiton, including two years on the Group Management Committee as President Governance. Prior to this, Ms McAloon was Group Manager, Regulatory & Public Affairs and Company Secretary at AGL Energy Ltd. Ms McAloon has worked in executive leadership roles with the NSW Government Cabinet Office and the Energy, Rail and Natural Resources Departments. Ms McAloon previously worked in private legal practice. She is a former non-executive director of listed companies Viva Energy Group Ltd, GrainCorp Ltd, Healthscope Ltd, Cogstate Ltd, United Malt Group Ltd and HMC Capital Ltd. She is also a former non-executive director of the Port of Melbourne and the Civil Aviation Safety Authority.

Ms McAloon is Chair of the Monash University Foundation and is an independent member of the advisory board of Allens. She was previously Chair of Defence Reserves Support Council, a member of the Referendum Council on Constitutional Recognition for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, a former director of the Australian War Memorial and a former senior adviser to Brunswick Group Asia.

Ms McAloon brings to BlueScope over 30 years of business, government and regulatory experience at senior executive and board levels across the natural resources, energy, infrastructure and utilities sectors.

Ms McAloon is a member of the Risk & Sustainability Committee, Health, Safety, Environment and Community Committee and the Nomination Committee.